Fusion Embedded™ PPPoE
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
The Fusion Embedded™ Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) embedded software source code product is defined by RFC 2516, and allows devices connected over Ethernet to establish PPP links with one another. PPPoE is a protocol layer with its own header, which encapsulates the PPP protocol layer and is itself encapsulated within the Ethernet layer. Using PPPoE, multiple PPP sessions can be multiplexed between the same client/server pair over Ethernet.

Fusion Embedded PPPoE Features
- Conforms to RFC 2516 "A Method for Transmitting PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)"
- Allows broadband Internet access (DSL, for example) via bridged Ethernet, while preserving the traditional dial-up paradigm for assigning IP addresses to clients and performing authentication and billing
- Ideal for use in end devices or in combination with Fusion NAT and DHCP server in small home/office (SOHO) routers
- Integrates seamlessly with Fusion Embedded PPP and TCP/IPv4/v6
- Provides both host (client) and server functionality
- Support for multiple concurrent PPPoE sessions
- Built-in simple configuration API for basic operation. Fusion PPP API can be used with PPPoE for more advanced configuration options.
- PPPoE pseudo devices are created dynamically at run-time for increased flexibility (one binary on multiple platforms)
- 100% ANSI C compliant
- RTOS and processor independent
- Royalty-free license

Phone: +1-678-208-2250 E-mail: sales@unicoi.com